Audio Messages

  • The Incarnation – Scene OneSummary: This message by Pastor David Martin explores the first time God revealed Himself in human flesh. It scratches the surface of what it means to be created in God’s image, male and female.
  • Our Bodies and Our Sexuality Summary: Pastor Bill’s message to the men at his church regarding the cultural lies that keep men bound to lust and pornography. This message offers a great introduction to the MCAG content.
  • An Evangelical Theology of the Body — Summary: Dr. Albert Mohler—president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary—delivers a message calling for an Evangelical Theology of the Body so that the church will be equipped to stand for truth in an age of sexual confusion (Original Video Presentation HERE).


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Hello, my name is bob and I am 52 years old.
i have been addicted to pornography for 40 years. I am a fairly new christian of about 4 years now and am very excited to find your web site. Thank you so much for being here and what you have presented for all to benefit from. I am just getting stared and am still ingesting all this wonderful TRUTH and it is setting me free. I have been divorced and living alone for 15 years and have not had another relationship since then. Please give me your view on masturbation as I am single and I do not want to lust any more. Sorry to be so blunt , I do not want to offend any one but don’t trust the worlds view on the subject. Thank you again for your help. God bless.

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    David Martin

    Hello, Bob.

    Thanks for writing… and it’s good to hear how the truth is making you free.

    Please take the time to fully read all of the articles… probably several times. That will help the truths to really sink in. Be prayerful the entire time, asking God to open your heart to the truths that He especially wants you to understand.

    Regarding masturbation, I wrote a series of articles on the topic several years ago.

    Here’s the first:

    David Martin

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Hi guys, I just wanted to say thank you again for your wonderful site. I know it is God who saves people but you and your site sure do lead people to Him and His truth. What an amazing feeling it is to be free. I wanted to share a song I have been listening to a lot lately that instantly made me think of your ministry. It’s by Casting Crowns and it’s called “Set me free “. Thank you so much for your help and may God continue to bless you all. Bob.

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I noticed you have not done a blog post in about a year or so. Did something change?