Welcome to a place of truth and hope. We offer the truth of God’s Word, and the real hope that His truth will genuinely and permanently set us free from bondage.
Western culture is in bondage… it is in bondage to the lies that empower pornography.
Because the lies are so strongly entrenched, the bondage seems inescapable. The men and women who have personally fallen prey to its deception are especially aware of its cruelty to themselves and those they love. And they know first hand how strong the chains are which keep them enslaved.
There is hope. There is real freedom. Real freedom is not just staying “clean” for a week or month or even a year. Real freedom is having the desire for porn evaporate out of your life. – Pastor David Martin
Such freedom is really possible. The people who have created this site know it is, because they are living it.
You will not find another “strategy” here. You will find truth. And that’s all you need. When you live the truth, freedom will overtake you. It cannot be avoided, for Jesus said, “You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free” (John 8:32 – NASB). And if Jesus’ words are really true, then why is there so much bondage to pornography even among Christians? …even among pastors? Isn’t Jesus our source for truth? We have Jesus! We should be free!
Why does it seem that we’re not free? The epidemic bondage among Christians should not cause us to doubt Jesus’ words, but rather it should cause us to question some things which we currently believe to be true.
That’s what this website is all about. It’s time to question some things we’ve always just assumed to be true. It’s time to be free!
We sincerely pray that God will use what you find here to grant you the same freedom that we now know. Our chains are gone. Yours can be, too.
— The MCAG Team